ОГЭ и ЕГЭ: Метод трех элементов для определения Причастия в сложноподчиненном предложении: новый метод.
Интервью с кандидатом филологических наук, доцентом по кафедре иностранных языков, Сахневичем С.В.
Корреспондент: А что у вас за новый метод определения причастия в экзамене ОГЭ и ЕГЭ? Как он называется?
Сахневич С.В.: Он называется «Метод трех элементов для определения Причастия в сложноподчиненном предложении».
Корреспондент: Почему трех?
Сахневич С.В.: Потому что в сложноподчиненном предложении всегда четыре главных элемента: два подлежащих и два сказуемых. Когда их четыре, Причастия не будет.
Корреспондент: Например!
ОГЭ и ЕГЭ: Метод трех элементов для определения Причастия в сложноподчиненном предложении: переводить не надо.
Сахневич С.В.: Например: «There was a book which was good”. У нас два подлежащих – a book и which, и два сказуемых – was и was. Или Jack was born in London where he received his education. У нас два подлежащих – Jack и he, и два сказуемых – was и received.
Корреспондент: Даже переводить не надо!
Сахневич С.В.: Даже переводить не надо! Просто следим за четырьмя элементами.
Корреспондент: Дальше!
Сахневич С.В.: Дальше тест: There was a book (be) good”. Какой ответ?
Корреспондент: У нас одно подлежащее – a book и два сказуемых – was и be, которое надо преобразовать.
Сахневич С.В.: Преобразовывайте!
Корреспондент: Ответ – being. Потрясающе!!! Но есть еще один момент. У нас же два вида Причастия – Причастие I и Причастие II. Кстати, напомните, как они образуются. Их же много видов, и они выступают в разных функциях.
Сахневич С.В.: В экзамене ОГЭ и ЕГЭ нам нужно только Простое Причастие I в функции определения и Причастие II в функции определения.
ОГЭ и ЕГЭ: Метод трех элементов для определения Причастия в сложноподчиненном предложении: в функции определения – сразу после существительного.
Корреспондент: Для простоты: в функции определения – это что?
Сахневич С.В.: В функции определения значит – сразу после существительного.
Корреспондент: Как образуется? И сразу примеры, когда в функции определения.
Сахневич С.В.: Простое Причастие I образуется при помощи постановки окончания –ing в конце глагола. Причастие II образуется при помощи постановки окончания –ed в конце смыслового глагола, если он правильный, или третьей формы неправильных глаголов, если он неправильный.
Корреспондент: А в функции определения?
Сахневич С.В.: Простое Причастие I в функции определения:
She was like a JANITOR marshalling a queue at the theatre.
Она была как дворник, смотрящий, чтобы никто не прошёл без очереди в театре.
They became little CHILDREN listening to a fairy tale.
Они превратились в маленьких детей, слушающих сказки.
Причастие II в функции определения:
This is the 15th COMPANY set up in the free zone.
Это пятнадцатая компания, зарегистрированная в свободной зоне.
…it was of course the SEDUCTION exercised by the splendid young man.
…это был конечно соблазн, испытанный молодым человеком…
Корреспондент: Так как определить, это Простое Причастие I или Причастие II?
ОГЭ и ЕГЭ: Метод трех элементов для определения Причастия в сложноподчиненном предложении: перевод только дословный.
Сахневич С.В.: А вот здесь надо переводить! Простое Причастие I соответствует словам «делающий», «делая», а Причастие II соответствует словам «сделанный», «делающийся», «делаемый». А ТЕПЕРЬ ВНИМАНИЕ! ПЕРЕВОД ДОЛЖЕН БЫТЬ БУКВАЛЬНО-НЕУКЛЮЖИЙ, СЛОВО В СЛОВО, ИНАЧЕ, ЕСЛИ МЫ БУДЕМ КРАСИВО ДОБАВЛЯТЬ СВОИ СЛОВА, МЫ НИКОГДА НЕ ОПРЕДЕЛИМ ТИП ПРИЧАСТИЯ.
Корреспондент: Например и пошагаво!
Сахневич С.В.: Берем предложение
There is only one thing (BOTHER) me.
1) Определяем три элемента: одно подлежащее – thing и два сказуемых – is и bother, которое нужно преобразовать. Значит, это – точно Причастие.
2) Переводим буквально «Есть только одна вещь, беспокоящая меня». Это Причастие I, потому что «Есть только одна вещь, обеспокоенная меня» не имеет смысла. Ответ BOTHERING.
Корреспондент: А почему именно дословный, а не красивый перевод?
Сахневич С.В.: А потому что, если мы переведем как «Есть только одна вещь, которая меня беспокоит», ответ будет BOTHER, а это – неправильно.
Корреспондент: Точно!
Сахневич С.В.: Пример с Причастием II:
In the LifeSpan case, we see a hospital (CATCH) in the midst of a dramatic change.
1) Определяем три элемента: одно подлежащее – we и два сказуемых – see и catch, которое нужно преобразовать. Значит, это – точно Причастие.
2) Переводим буквально «В случае с ЛайфСпэн, мы видим госпиталь, захваченный в гущу драматического изменения». Это Причастие II, потому что «В случае с ЛайфСпэн, мы видим госпиталь, захватывающий в гущу драматического изменения» не имеет смысла. Ответ CAUGHT.
ОГЭ и ЕГЭ: Метод трех элементов для определения Причастия в сложноподчиненном предложении: литературный перевод – путь в пропасть.
Корреспондент: Ну да, а литературный перевод «В случае с госпиталем Лайфспэн, мы видим больницу, которая оказалась в центре драматических изменений» – это путь в пропасть.
Сахневич С.В.: В случае ОГЭ и ЕГЭ, этот перевод – бред, а в реальной жизни – это отличный перевод.
Корреспондент: Хорошо, а как в случае со сложносочиненными предложениями.
Сахневич С.В.: Там своя теория. Расскажу.
Корреспондент: Где это можно все потренировать.
Сахневич С.В.: Вот здесь.
Корреспондент: Я бы заказал ваш тот учебник. Полный сборник.
Сахневич С.В.: А да, здесь больше. Пишите crash68@yandex.ru. Вышлем. Но он – дорогой, а здесь – копейки.
Корреспондент: Жду следующую теорию. И за тесты спасибо.
Тесты на закрепление темы Причастие
- I could see doubt ————-on his face.
(a) writing
(b) was written
(c) written
(d) having written
- Mausoleum stands, very simple and grand, with a court of pillars ————–around it.
(A) which broken
(B) were broken
(C) broken
(D) breaking
- She was with two boys ———-inside it and surrounded by a lather of foam.
(A) were smoking
(B) smoking
(C) who smoking
(D) smoked
- There is smoke ———–into the air.
(A) rising
(B) which rising
(C) was rising
(D) risen
- The man ——————by the table was familiar.
(A) stand
(B) standing
(C) was standing
(D) who standing
- In the LifeSpan case, we see a hospital———— in the midst of a dramatic change.
(A) which caught
(B) catching
(C) was caught
(D) caught
- It was a tiny four lines———- amidst the back pages, almost ———–in the welter of other large notices.
(a) buried, lost
(b) buried, losing
(c) burying, lost
(d) buried, loose
- For example, the case of the eleven-year-old girl———-by four men and———-by stuffing her panties down her throat.
(a) raping, killed
(b) raped, killing
(c) rape, kill
(d) raped, killed
- There was a tray of coffee ————-in the sitting area of the bedroom.
(a) was waiting
(b) waited
(c) waiting
(d) which waiting
- I don’t hold with a young girl ————-alone in the city the way you do.
(a) lived
(b) living
(c) who living
(d) which lives
- Carson’s eyes fell on the newspaper ————-next to the report on his desk.
(a) was lying
(b) laying
(c) lying
(d) which lying
- We’ll be flooded with claims of retardation ————-by crafty middle-aged inmates.
(a) was filed
(b) filed
(c) filing
(d) which filed
- Most paper is down-cycled which means that a product ———–from recycled paper is of an inferior quality to the original paper.
(A) making
(B) which made
(C) made
(D) is made
- There is only one thing ——————me.
(A) bothering
(B) bothered
(C) which bothering
(D) is bothering
- Just outside the window there was a world————— with people.
(a) filled
(b) was filled
(c) which filled
(d) filling
- The first time anybody knew about Dutchman Frank Siegmund and his family was when workmen ————–through a field found a narrow steel chimney protruding through the grass.
(A) who tramped
(B) who tramping
(C) tramping
(D) tramped
- They came across a pine door complete with leaded diamond glass and a brass knocker ————into an underground building.
(A) set
(B) were set
(C) which set
(D) setting
- Today book matches are the most widely used type in the US, with 90 percent————— out free by hotels, restaurants and others.
(A) which handed
(B) were handed
(C) handing
(D) handed
- Eight years later, a series of world conferences took place, —————The Breeding of Endangered Species.
(A) entitled
(B) which entitled
(C) was entitled
(D) entitling
- While 45 out of every 100 tons of wood fiber ———-to make paper in Australia comes from waste paper, the rest comes directly from virgin fiber from forests and plantations.
(A) using
(B) used
(C) is used
(D) which used
- Already, waste paper constitutes 70% of paper ———–for packaging and advances in the technology required to remove ink from the paper have allowed a higher recycled content in newsprint and writing paper.
(A) using
(B) used
(C) is used
(D) which used
- To early man, fire was a divine gift randomly———– in the form of lightning, forest fire or burning lava.
(A) delivered
(B) which delivered
(C) was delivered
(D) delivering
- Once collected, the paper has to be sorted by hand by people ———–to recognize various types of paper.
(A) are trained
(B) which trained
(C) trained
(D) training
- In this way, the envelope of a light bulb is made by a single machine at the rate of 66,000 an hour, as compared with 1,200 a day ———–by a team of four glassblowers.
(A) produced
(B) are produced
(C) producing
(D) which produced
- A London architect, Mike Davies, sees even more dramatic buildings ———–molecular chemistry.
(A) using
(B) used
(C) is used
(D) which using
- The very first one, ————-10 years ago, was the book on Greece its young authors wanted, but couldn’t find.
(A) writing
(B) written
(C) were written
(D) which written
- Probably 100-200 of these small congregations, ————-in living rooms throughout the Jerusalem area, had a lot of money.
(A) that meeting
(B) meeting
(C) were meeting
(D) which meeting
- The wigwam, —————with trodden earth, was bare as a cave, without a stick of furnishing.
(A) floored
(B) was floored
(C) flooring
(D) which floored
- There is a war ————–between the army of heaven and the host————— by Satan.
(A) rage, led
(B) raged, leading
(C) raging, lead
(D) raging, led
- It was not a river of salt —————–backwards out of the Atlantic Ocean, then it must soon come to a stop.
(A) which running
(B) was running
(C) run
(D) running
- However, progress remains painfully slow and there were still only 18 posts ————-by women out of a total of 354 non-executive positions surveyed.
(A) were filled
(B) filled
(C) which filled
(D) filling
- IBM will not be liable for 1) loss of, or damage to, your records or data or 2) any damages ————–by you based on any third party claim.
(A) were claimed
(B) which claimed
(C) claiming
(D) claimed
- I felt like a lonely cat, an aging tom ———–by obscure rage, looking for torn-ear trouble.
(A) riding
(B) was ridden
(C) ridden
(D) which ridden
- [Lotte] Bailyn [of Massachusetts Institute of Technology] adds that many corporate managers find it difficult to measure the contribution of their underlings to a firm’s well-being, so they use the number of hours ————as a proxy for output.
(A) working
(B) worked
(C) which worked
(D) were worked
- This process, appropriately —————-“projection”, creates reflections that appear to be real.
(A) is called
(B) which called
(C) called
(D) calling
- The second is an absence of internal politics. The office politician is a parasite but fortunately easily ——————.
(A) identifying and exterminating
(B) identified and exterminating
(C) identifying and exterminated
(D) identified and exterminated
- In front of him, in the full glare of the electric light, there stood a tall, slim, dark woman, a veil over her face, a mantle ———-round her chin.
(A) which drawn
(B) drawing
(C) was drawn
(D) drawn
- And the recycling process still creates emissions ———-treatment before they can be disposed of safely.
(A) which requiring
(B) are requiring
(C) requiring
(D) required
- Detective Inspector Paul Crane carefully peeled back the raincoat ————-over the naked girl’s body.
(A) draping
(B) draped
(C) was draped
(D) which draped
- Managerial and executive progress ————by women is confirmed by the annual survey of boards of directors—————– by Korn/Ferry/Carre/Orban International.
(A) making, carried out
(B) made, carrying out
(C) made, carried out
(D) making, carrying out
- Regardless of the theory or model that we choose, a reduction in population size decreases the genetic diversity of a population and increases the probability of extinction because of any or all of the processes ————-above.
(A) listing
(B) listed
(C) which listed
(D) were listed
- “Think of glass that has been treated to react to electric currents ————-through it.
(A) which going
(B) were going
(C) gone
(D) going
- This year the survey shows a doubling of the number of women ————–as non-executive directors compared with the previous year.
(A) served
(B) were serving
(C) serving
(D) which serving
- It celebrated scientific and engineering achievements by openly parading the sophisticated techniques—————– in construction.
(A) that used
(B) used
(C) were used
(D) which used
- Just in case some are still lively, bees can be pacified with a few puffs of smoke————– into each hive’s narrow entrance.
(A) which was blowing
(B) was blown
(C) which blown
(D) blown
- After this, approximately a quarter of the hives —————by disease, mites, or an ageing or dead queen, will have to be replaced.
(A) which were weakening
(B) weakened
(C) were weakened
(D) which weakened
- About the same time, a French chemistry student ————Charles Sauria produced the first “strike-anywhere” match by substituting white phosphorus for the potassium chlorate in the Walker formula.
(A) calling
(B) which called
(C) called
(D) were called
- The first matches ————–those used today were made in 1827 by John Walker, an English pharmacist who borrowed the formula from a military rocket-maker ————-Congreve.
(A) resembling, calling
(B) which resembling, called
(C) resembling, called
(D) resembled, calling
- This was largely characterized by the bold use of new materials and simple, geometric forms, often with white walls —————by stiltlike pillars.
(A) were supported
(B) which supported
(C) supporting
(D) supported
- An even more hazardous device, popular in America, was the Instantaneous Light Box – a bottle ————–with sulphuric acid into which splints—————– with chemicals were dipped.
(A) filled, treated
(B) filled, treating
(C) filling, treated
(D) being filled, treated
- The results of this research may be some consolation to left-handers who have for centuries lived in a world—————– to suit right-handed people.
(A) was designed
(B) which designed
(C) designing
(D) designed
- To take your mind off the grueling nature of this hilly, mile-high course, there are entertainers ———-along the way, including belly dancers, gymnasts and rock bands.
(A) which performing
(B) performed
(C) were performing
(D) performing
- It was finally closed down by a veterinary inspector ————under the terms of the Zoo Licensing Act 1981.
(A) appointed
(B) was appointed
(C) which appointed
(D) appointing
- There were crumpled sheets of paper ————around the room.
(A) were scattered
(B) scattered
(C) which scattered
(D) scattering
- The Shah stood in the centre of the room, ———–by his oil minister, Jamshid Amouzegar.
(A) which flanked
(B) was flanked
(C) flanked
(D) flanking
- There were two Dexamyls ———in the bottle.
(A) were left
(B) left
(C) which left
(D) leaving
- Customers ———by ads tend to be disloyal.
(A) who lured
(B) lured
(C) were lured
(D) which lured
- Another reason we must focus so heavily on training is that achieving consistency in the output of employees is as important as reducing the variation in the items —————.
(A) produced by two different machines or delivered by two different suppliers
(B) producing by two different machines or delivered by two different suppliers
(C) produced by two different machines or delivering by two different suppliers
(D) producing by two different machines or delivering by two different suppliers
- Three basic ideas————– in the definition of the marketing concept are (1) a customer orientation, (2) a total company effort, and (3) profit – not just sales – as an objective.
(A) is included
(B) have included
(C) are included
(D) included
- The Programs———– below are licensed under the following terms and conditions in addition to those of the International Program License Agreement.
(A) were listed
(B) which listed
(C) listed
(D) listing
- Rule: a meeting’s productivity is inversely proportionate to the number of people————— it.
(A) attended
(B) were attending
(C) who attending
(D) attending
- Even now, twenty-one years later, in a Berlin where you could hear the singing from the synagogue ————-freely…
(A) rising
(B) was rising
(C) risen
(D) which rising
- Everywhere these Jews settled, they spread belief in one God and one morality———– upon the Ten Commandments.
(A) basing
(B) was based
(C) based
(D) which based
- …his indoor servants at Baskerville Hall consisted of a married couple ———–Barrymore, the husband ————-as butler and the wife as housekeeper.
(A) naming, acting
(B) named, acted
(C) named, acting
(D) named, acted
- With carbon-based fuels ————ninety per cent of world energy, governments have good reason to delay dramatic efforts to cut the output of carbon dioxide.
(A) were supplying
(B) supplying
(C) which supplying
(D) supplied
- If the Scottish decision becomes an important precedent, the biggest losers of all could be the British public, who might yet see their access to television news ————–by red tape and repeated court cases.
(A) was restricted
(B) which restricted
(C) restricted
(D) restricting
- Demographic trends suggest that ——————-steadily increasing.
(A) the number of women who going into employment have been
(B) the number of women were going into employment is
(C) the number of women gone into employment were
(D) the number of women going into employment are
- At the same time all factual information ————in the original text must be retained in the translation.
(А) containing
(B) is contained
(C) which contained
(D) contained
- A program directly —————–to the customer via a computer network such as the Internet is even cheaper to distribute.
(A) were transferred
(B) transferred
(C) which transferred
(D) transferring
- An IME (Input Method Editor) is an application that provides the ability to enter thousands of different characters ——–in East Asian written languages without requiring special keyboards.
(A) using
(B) are used
(C) which used
(D) used
- ———— past the lake I saw a beach populated by men, women, and children.
(A) Driving
(B) Driven
(C) Drove
(D) When drove
- As a youngster I went to a summer camp ———by my Father and once a week we had “Scrub”.
(A) running
(B) that was running
(C) run
(D) was run
- I am familiar with forty-two different impressions ——–by tyres. This as you perceive, is a Dunlop, with a patch upon the outer cover.
(A) were left
(B) leaving
(C) which left
(D) left
- I hate sales presentations ———to a large group of people and will avoid those situations whenever I can.
(A) which made
(B) were made
(C) making
(D) made
- Fellow——— Nero, JL thought bitterly, sat on his duff and played his fiddle while Rome burned.
(А) named
(B) who named
(C) naming
(D) was named
- Until now it had been only one of the subjects ————at training school.
(A) covering
(B) covered
(C) was covered
(D) which covered
- Pettifer looked out at space and saw nothing but a large mass of rock, —————into the distance.
(A) was dwindling
(B) dwindling
(C) which dwindling
(D) dwindled
- ————–in 1972, Stramilano is one of the best deals in international road racing.
(А) Having founded
(B) It was founded
(C) Founded
(D) Founding
- The BIA also tried to promote stock ———on the reservation and established a number of herds of cattle under either individual indian or tribal owner-ship, or on lands ———-by the BIA to white ranchers.
(A) raising, was leased
(B) is raising, leased
(C) raising, leased
(D) raised, leased
- The now familiar flat-to-downhill course,——– at Greenwich Park and on Blackheath Common and passing the Cutty Sark, the Tower of London and the Houses of Parliament along the way, packs in more history than a secondary-school textbook.
(А) started
(B) is starting
(C) starting
(D) which starting
- Kudos for the “Here’s what you get” column listing – a return figure ———–for taxes and loads – in “The Best Mutual Funds for Creating Wealth”.
(A) adjusted
(B) adjusting
(C) which adjusted
(D) be adjusted
- The story begins with a competition ————in December 1900 by Zeitschrift Innendekoration, an innovative design magazine ————–in the German city of Darmstadt.
(А) which launched, published
(B) launched, published
(C) launching, published
(D) launched, publishing
- They also identify the subject of the ad, qualify the prospects by stopping those most interested, create further interest in the headline and copy, present the product in its most favorable light, provide support for claims ——–in the copy, and bring continuity to a campaign.
(A) are made
(B) made
(C) which made
(D) making
- The Journal of Accountancy, by an experiment ———in Horizons for a Profession, emphasized to the profession the importance of writing.
(A) citing
(B) cited
(C) was cited
(D) which cited
- Clipping coupons are discounts or (free items) through coupons —————–in packages, mailings, print ads, or at the store.
(A) distributing
(B) are distributed
(C) distributed
(D) which distributed
- Retail list prices sometimes ————–free delivery.
(A) are included
(B) including
(C) is include
(D) included
- His other hatred was the homosexuality ———-to be rife among the upper echelons of the officer corps.
(A) reporting
(B) was reported
(C) reported
(D) which reported
- They found it full of strange conies with handsome skins and broad tails, and great herds of fat deer ————like ship upon the English Downs.
(A) were roaming
(B) which roamed
(C) roamed
(D) roaming
- Art directors choose visuals on the basis of their ability to represent the idea, their cost, the technical limitations of producing them, the time ———–to obtain them, the printing process to be used, the paper on which the ad is to be printed and the availability of the artist ————in the desired medium.
(A) which required, chosen
(B) requiring, chosen
(C) required, chosen
(D) required, choosing
- Advertising allowances are price reductions ———-to firms in the channel to encourage them to advertise or otherwise promote the suppler’s products locally.
(A) giving
(B) given
(C) which given
(D) are given
- Sample observations are cell means of female annual earnings including bonuses in thousands of yen ——–by educational level, firm size, age group, and industry.
(A) stratified
(B) stratifying
(C) are stratified
(D) which stratified
- All this could influence IPB’s second capital-raising step: a rights issue ——-for April 1, 1996, to raise between Kc 800m and Kc 1.2 Bn, part of which may be sold on the international capital market.
(A) was planned
(B) planning
(C) planned
(D) which planned
- Quantity discounts are the ones ———-to encourage customers to buy in larger amounts in order to get more of a buyer’s business, or shift some of the storing function to the buyer, or reduce shipping and selling costs – or all of these.
(A) offering
(B) are offered
(C) offered
(D) which offered
- Global stock funds ——–primarily in equity securities of issuers throughout the world including the US, while international stock funds invest primarily in equity securities of issuers in developed markets outside the US.
(A) investing
(B) invest
(C) to invest
(D) invested
- A trade-in allowance is a price reduction——— for used products when similar new products are bought.
(A) given
(B) which given
(C) giving
(D) is given
- This is an easy way to lower the effective price without ———-list price.
(A) reducing
(B) to reduce
(C) reduce
(D) reduction
- All the children and the dogs and the antennas like a metal forest above the clotheslines ———- with washing?
(A) filling
(B) were filled
(C) filled
(D) which filled