medical English: почти все о медицине
48.1. Даже если вы умеете говорить на английском, medical english – это то, чего не избежать. Но это в основном английский без преподавателя. Имеется ввиду изучение английского без преподавателя вообще. Medical переводится как «медицинский» и употребляется для средств, относящихся к медицине или к заботе о здоровье людей. medical english.
He traveled to Paris for medical treatment.
В результате этого ему пришлось уехать в Париж на медицинскую терапию.
Our bodies aren’t very reliable witnesses, even when we’re in the medical profession.
Наше тело – не самый надежный показатель здоровья, даже если мы не работаем в медицинскойпрофессии.
Jenny Hasboro was a 26-year-old medical student.
Дженни Хасборо 26-ти лет, студент-медик.
Health centres provided medical care and information.
В медучреждениях обеспечивается медицинский уход и предоставляется соответствующая информация.
48.1.2. Medical переводится как «медицинский» и употребляется для тщательного обследования вашего организма врачом, например, перед началом новой работы.
If you could get him to have a medical examination.
Если вы сможете уговорить его на медицинский осмотр.
So why not give you a medical examination?
Так почему бы не провести вам медицинское обследование?
They were all set to give him a medical examination.
Все они были настроены предоставить ему медицинское обследование.
medical english: лекартвенный
48.2. Medicinal переводится как «лекарственный» и употребляется, когда какое-то вещество действует как лекарство.
The botanical and medicinal herb gardens were established over 300 years ago.
Ботанический сад и сад с медицинскими травами были устроены ещё 300 лет назад.
A very productive plant of high value as a medicinal herb.
Очень продуктивное растение высокого медицинского качества.
The spa in Klokot has several thermal springs valued for their medicinal qualities.
Курорт в Клокоте имеет несколько геотермальных источников, которые ценятся за их лечебные свойства.
The inventive medicinal preparation comprises 40-75% zinc oxide, the rest being a vegetable oil.
Лекарственный препарат содержит окись цинка 40-75%, остальное – это растительное масло.
India was one of the few countries which produced licit opium for medicinal and other purposes.
Индия является одной из немногих стран, которая производит опиум для медицинских и других целей.
Тесты на закрепление темы Medical vs medicinal.
- The peculiarities of_______________ of adults with chronic diseases, are absent.
(a) medicine application, medicinal preparation (b) medicinal application, medical preparation
(c) medical application, medicine preparation (d) medical application, medicinal preparation
- Indeed, even in nations with single-payer national_____________ is developing.
(a) medical coverage, medicinal tourism (b) medicinal coverage, medical tourism
(c) medicine coverage, medicinal tourism (d) medical coverage, medicine tourism
- Prices on___________________ are still controlled by the state.
(a) medicinal services and medicinal preparations (b) medicinal services and medical preparations (c) medical services and medicinal preparations (d) medical services and medical preparations
- Socio-psychological and__________________assistance, rehabilitation.
(a) medicinal rehabilitation of members of the organization – former prisoners of the ghetto and concentration camps through, medicaland medicinal
(b) medical rehabilitation of members of the organization – former prisoners of the ghetto and concentration camps through, medical and medicinal
(c) medical rehabilitation of members of the organization – former prisoners of the ghetto and concentration camps through, medicinal and medicinal
(d) medicinal rehabilitation of members of the organization – former prisoners of the ghetto and concentration camps through, medical and medicinal
- Involving a minor in the non-______________or other substances which produce a narcotic effect is also a punishable criminal act.
(a) medicinal effect any medical substances (b) medicinal effect any medicinal substances
(c) medical effect any medicinal substances (d) medical effect any medical substances
- Recent studies published in the scientific and___________ journal FutureMedicinal Chemistry have shown that CBD is in no way inferior to popular anti-inflammatory drugs.
(a) medicine (b) medical (c) medicality (d) medicinal
- Domestic companies have presented along with the_______________, disinfectants, innovations in dentistry and orthodontia, expendable materials and others.
(a) medical equipment the medicinal products (b) medicinal equipment the medicinal products (c) medical equipment the medical products (d) medicinal equipment the medical products
- Apply to studying of role of suggestion in_______________, as control at research of efficiency of new medicines.
(a) medicinal effect any medical substances (b) medicinal effect any medicinal substances (c) medical effect any medical substances (d) medical effect any medicinal substances
- “On approval of Requirements to labeling of pharmaceuticals for______________”.
(a) medicinal use and veterinary medical substances (b) medicinal use and veterinary medicinal substances (c) medicaluse and veterinary medical substances (d) medical effect any medicinal substances
- The Applicant must submit the Application for safety changes to the Instruction on___________ no later than 60 calendar days from the date of receiving the information on the need to make such changes.
(a) medicinal use of the medical product (b) medicinal use of the medicinal product
(c) medical use of the medicinal product (d) medical use of the medical product
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